February 2009 - In a recent press release,
the group behind the website "God Hates
Fags" announced their plans to travel
to the Netherlands and picket the burial of
nine people who recently lossed their lives
in a plane crash at Amsterdam Airpost.
What drives these "Christian
Taliban" and what can they teach us?
The group is headed by a man called Fred
Phelps and calls itself the "Westboro
Baptist Church" (WBC). They are often
in the news as they go from place to place
witch picket signs saying things like
"God Hates Fags" and "Thank
God For Aids". Special places of
interest to the WBC are funerals, perferably
that of dead soldiers and those who they love
to hate the most: (perceived)
In itself, the group is predominantly one
family under the guidance of the patriarch.
Their appearance is usually seen as funny or
offensive, they're a welcome guest in many
talk shows as they guarantee a piece of
They're an obvious cult, as their website
clearly indicates. They urge this visitor to
read every word of this web site, along with
the entire Bible", a clear
indication they do need to explain a little
bit before the innocent visitor can open the
Book of Books and, guided by the Holy Spirit
of God, read what's in there.
Just recently, the group announced that
they would go the Netherlands and hold a
demonstration at the funeral of the victims
of a plane crash that recently took place at
Amsterdam Airport. Nine
people crashed in an airplane from Turkish
Airlines in what the WBC sees as a judgement
of God because of... homosexuality.
It is unlikely, though, that the WBC will
actually be able to physically enter the
Netherlands. Recently, they were banned from
entering the UK as part of the European War
on Freedom of Speech.
However, their Freedom of Speech is not
the issue. There are questions more
important for those interested in
Christianity. Questions such as: how can it
be, that the WBC claims how
"homosexuality" is the reason for
"God" to make a plane crash of
Turkish Airlines at Amsterdam Airport?
One word: Calvinism.
The WBC is a rather extreme example of
this "Christian" philosophy that
has been responsible for terror regimes
throughout the last centuries. Regimes,
which make the Taliban in Afghanistan look
like keepers of paradise.
In a video entitled "What
Love Is This", recently reviewed by
the CRC, well-known author Dave Hunt
revealed some of the terror that Calvinists
released on the people they had political
power over. But we can also look at the Dominionists,
the neo-evangelical version of this form of
political Christianity, Sharia Style.
Basically, Calvinists and Dominionists
believe that they have to create a
"Christian World Order", wherein
what the Bible calls the Fruit Of The Spirit
is forced on people by law, with extreme
penalties in cases of trangressing these
so-called "Divine Laws".
We have well-known cases such as Rick
Warren teaming up with the President of
Rwanda who was recently accused
of war crimes, Pat
Robertson calling for the extermination
of leaders which oppose the United States of
America ("God's Own Country", as
they say), all of them associating with
presidents and others in circles of power.
We also have the Westboro Baptist Church
with their "pastor" Fred Phelps
and an army of footsoldiers who all love
to hate just about everyone that doesn't
follow their Calvinist form of
"Christianity". With
a smile on their face, they will tell you
that you go to hell, just because God
created you to go to hell. And, as the
picture shows, they will even help you
getting there with pleasure.
Carnal pleasure.
Carnal minds define the Calvinist and
Dominionists. Carnal minds define the
members of the group behind the "God
Hates Fags" website and church. And no,
not just because of their obvious focus on
sexuality and frequent use of the word
"Sodomites" to describe
homosexuals, about which we will talk a
little bit further one.
The Carnal Calvinists are spiritually
handicapped, spiritually disabled even. They
take the Bible, a translation of copies of
manuscripts who have been long gone, but it
is the only thing they can physically touch
with their carnal bodies. They lack the
Presence and Teaching of the Holy Spirit,
without Whom we can never understand what
the Bible actually teaches.
They think, that the Bible is all about
the State. They think, that when the Bible
speaks about "authorities" and
"leaders", when the Bible gives
guidelines for Church gathering and
spiritual livity in general, the Bible gives
this as a commandment to be obeyed by those
under the command of the leaders who
interpretate the Divine Laws...
They totally ignore the fact that the
Bible says all of us are living in sin, and
that it takes a spiritual rebirth to be able
to receive the Works of the Holy Spirit that
makes our carnal sins become less and less
important. They claim that the Bible wants
people to create states with heavy laws that
none can keep, laws which the Bible explains
are fruits of the works that the Holy Spirit
works out in those who believe upon the Lord
Jesus Christ.
Equally, they deny the fact that God
did not destroy Sodom because of
homosexuality at all. Sodom, namely, is
the biggest argument for Fred Phelps and his
Calvinist brethren to go around the world
and tell everyone that God is going to
destroy the world because of
"Sodomy" and
And this is where it gets tricky. Because
they are right, the acts of Sodom are indeed
the reason the the Creator to come down
Himself and Personally downstroy this wicked
Therefore, it is extremely important to
find out just what was going on in Sodom,
even though the answer might not be what
your avarage Pastor, President or Priest may
tell you.
The Bible uses the word "heteros"
to describe the sexual acts of the
Sodomites. They were not homosexuals, even
though some of them have might been and even
though it is true that homosexuality is
condemned as sinfull in the Bible. That is
not the issue here. The issue is that
homosexualioty in itself is not the reason
for the Most High to condemn this world
shitstem and call her "Mystery Babylon,
Mother of Harlots and Abominations". (MORE
The Westboro Baptist Church is an
extreme, and therefore very clear example
where a carnal view on the physically
tangible Scriptures lead to. Not just to a
rather ridiculous idea that is so obviously
wrong that they cannot be taken seriously.
Not just to an entertaining sight of a
dysfunctional family dressed as up a Church.
What this family does, is just a small
version of what the Dominionists and
Calvinists are doing at large. They would
love to impose their ridiculous ideas on
humanity by law, just like the fighter jets
impose the ideas of the world elite by
bombing the hell out of people in the name
of that very same "White European Anglo
Saxon Christianity".
What this family, this cult dressed up as
a "Church" does, is just an
extreme version of what carnal minds are
doing at large. Without any guidance from
the Holy Spirit, not hindered by a spiritual
identity caused by a born again situation,
they take the Black Book and make their own
carnal sense out of it.
They do so to their own judgement. They
also do so as an example for all.