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Promoting Rush Limbaugh, dissing Rasta: 'Holy'? (by Messian Dread)
Today, I came across a very interesting person on the "Lion of Zion" message boards. Christafari endorses this person, as we will see later.

This person calls himself "Holy Man", and he's pretty vocal about certain people who he would call "unholy". He likes to promote alcohol-free beer while posting adverts that say "Drink Guiness, it is not a sin" and while he pretty much places an anathema on every Rasta using a definition which is not in accordance with reality, He considers Rush Limbaugh to be his friend.

This "Holy Man" posted a thread on the Lion of Zion boards, entitled The need to evangelize those caught up in the rasta cults.

He wrote: 

"(...) rastafarianism IS a NON-christian cult and that its teachings are blasphemous and lead the lost onlty closer to hell because of this, those who are called to evangelism must witness to them and pray for their salvation just as if they were JW's or Mormons, etc for they are equally lost and deceived from seeing the truth in the real Gospel.
Many thanks to Mark for being one of said evangelists by reaching out to them through his ministry of Christian Reggae."

The "Mark" he gives "thanks to", is Christafari's very own Mark Mohr. The very same Mark Mohr who finally had to admit that Rastafari is not that antichrist cult he used to claim that it was. But appearantly, Mark Mohr used a double tongue, saying this to one and that to another.

How do I know?

Well, I do not see Mark Mohr correcting the statements of the "Holy Man". Instead, Christafari is among the first to request a friendship with this "Holy Man" on their Page.

And they're pretty clear about who can be their "friends", as they claim on their page:


It has been thoroughly documented, how one can not approach the Movement of Rastafari as it this movement is a cult like the Mormons and/or "Jehovah Witnesses". Christafari's Mark Mohr even was forced to admit this, but appearantly he doesn't care so much about this, as Christafari is one of the "friends" of this self-proclaimed "Holy Man".

Unfortunately, this "Holy Man" seems to be located in Ethiopia, calling himself a Messianic Jew. Why does he not speak about Shashamane land, where Rastafarians live who bloldly proclaim Yesus Kristos as their Lord and Saviour, JAH coming in the flesh to redeem us from our sins?

In the same time, this "Holy Man" has the Babylonian talk show host Rush Limbaugh registered as one of his friends.

We have allready seen, how "Holy Man" shows the mentality of the so-called "Gospel Reggae" Industry, "you can be our fan when you are not Christian but you cannot be our friend".

But his definition of "non-Christian" goes even further. On his Myspage page, you can see more descriptions, all linking to the log-out function of myspace. This basically means: go away.

Read this: 

"Click here if you currently are Liberal, Democrat, Socialist, Communist, Marxist, Dergist, Shabiaist, Shariaist, TPLF, Zenawi supporter, Facist, Nazi, Feminazi, NOW member/supporter, ACLU member/supporter, Skinhead, Atheist, Antisemite, Antichristian, Pro-Abortion, Gay, Homosexual, Bisexual, Cheating on a spouse, Proud of your fornication, a pimp, a hooker, a slut or any other type of unbiblical and/or ungodly pervert.

Click here if you are Rastafarian or if you are a Moslem, Mormon, Oneness-Pentecostal, PAW, UPC, Jehovah's Clueless er, I mean Jehovah's Witness or ANY other anti-trinity group

Click here if you get high on marijuana, khat, cocoa leaf, drugs, hallucinogens, mushrooms, mescaline, peyote, huffing or any other illegal intoxicants."

This, my dear reader, does not only exclude Rastafarians who actually are Trinitarians ("Selassie" means Trinity), it includes babylonians like Rush Limbaugh who I do not know that well, but I do know he is not exactly the kind of person this "Holy Man" describes as "Christian".

Now, why do I write all of this?

Perhaps because I got offended by what I read this morning.

But a more important reason can be found within the fact that this "Holy Man" does exactly that which Mark Mohr and his Christafari organization do. The only difference is, that Mark Mohr and Christafari are much more subtle and less honoust in their approach.

For nuff things can be said about this "Holier-than-thou Man", but not that he is not open and honoust in what it is he stands for. He sees himself really as "holier-than-thou", because he refuses to be friends with the very same people he claims he wants to reach.

But we have a problem, here.

He says, you can be our fan, but not our friend. This means: pay us money or attention, while we diss you in any way possible because we are "holier-than-thou".

This is exactly the same attitude as we find in the "Gospel Reggae" industry. They form their own little cabal, defining and deciding who is a Christian and who is not a Christian, and only ones who are the same as they are can be their "friend".

But when you claim that Rush Limbaugh is a Christian, deny that there is people within Rastafari who are what one would call "Trinitarians", you have a very strange definition of "Christian".

In the same time, both Christafari and this "Holy Man" thrive on their very definition. For if they would accept the true definition of a Christian, if they would truly admit that you cannot see the movement of Rastafari as they claim to look on the movement, they could not maintain their "ministry".

It goes further...

This is how they use the Bible and Bible Teachings in order to advertize for a certain commercial product. Just read this:


"Be ye sober, be ye viligent!" (1 Peter 5:8)

If you must have a beer, try an alcohol-free brew. They do NOT all taste "watery". The makers of Guiness Stout have produced a dark, really good tasting alcohol-free brew called Kaliber which was first made for certain African nations where islamic law made alcohol illegal and Kaliber was an instant ever since and now it is available all over the world. So tell your party host "Sorry, I'll have to pass if you wont serve Kaliber as an alternative to alcohol, because the Word of God says NOT to be drunk!" "

Additionally, they have placed the following advert on their MySpace:

Look closely. What does Guiness say? "Most of our products are sinfull, but this one isn't".

Very, very symbolical. For the so-called Gospel Reggae industry, in fact the whole Christian Industrial Complex, are all sub-divisions of so-called secular companies. While Christafari and the "Holy Man" claim that you shouldn't listen to "secular" music, because "the Bible says so", thery have no problem promoting the very same industries they say they do not promote.

It is this kind of hypocrisy which the Christian Industrialists thrive on. On the surface, they may sound like a "Holy Man", but when you dig deeper, you see that it's plain hypocrisy. They have no problem whatsoever when the so-called "unholy people" pay them money or attention, all they are doing is displaying themselves as "holy". They have no problem in supporting industries which are fitting their own descriptions as "secular/worldly/carnal", as long as they promote "holy products".

Additionally, these people claim to be sharing the gospel with the lost. But these very same "lost" cannot come in contact with them, cannot be their friends. All they do is telling the "lost": "We are holier than thou".

There is a lot of deception in the Gospel Reggae industry. It is the kind of deception they could even believe themselves. But when you check it, the hypocrazy and deception and heresy comes to the surface.

Have another beer!



From: The Happy is Bound4Life
Date: Nov 17 2006 10:01 AM

I'm proud of you for being so outspoken about your faith in Yeshua. But you are aware that Yeshua was friends with prostitutes, liars, tax collectors. He loved everybody equally without discrimination. How can you claim to be on a mission, when you won't even allow those who don't have Yeshua to be your friends?

The only thing that can ever bring one to JAH through Yeshua is unconditional love. Remember when the apostle Paul says "The Law is fulfilled in these two commandments Love the Lord your God, and Love your neighbor as yourself."

And remember that "God is love"

So when people come to your page and see that you turn away everyone who falls under this or that category it makes them want to go farther and farther away from this thing called Christianity.

Remember the people that came to Yeshua saying "We cast out demons in Your name" but our divine saviour replied saying "Depart from me for I never knew you"

While you might be preaching the true gospel that is Yeshua ha Moshiach, you aren't going about it in the right way.

Just something to think about, I hope you take no offense.

JAH bless

And his response:

What a pack of liberal unscriptural POT-HEAD hogwash!

Did you think as a Wasta that I would welcome your lies any more than I welcome you? IT IS THE LIES THAT ARE THE REASON YOU ARE NOT WELCOME IN THE FIRST PLACE! DOPEHEAD! Your lies are worse than lies! They are an insult to the Ethiopian culture itself! Servant of Satan! BEGONE! What do I care if you go to hell? I DONT! Nor am I required to! Because if you go there it is YOUR responsibility! HOW DARE you put the guilt of YOUR sin on me, you liar! YOU REJECT THE TRUE GOSPEL BECAUSE YOU CHOOSE TO BE AN ENEMY OF GOD AND HIS WORD! OUT OIF SHEER REBELION! SO DAMN YOUR LAME EXCUSES AND BLAME-SHIFTING COP-OUTS! YOU and NOT I will stand before God to be judged for YOUR OWN sins! And He has ALREADY found you guilty! The judgement will be a sentencing! There is no trial! A trial is top determine truth. GOD KNOWS ALL TRUTH AND KNOWS HOW YOU HAVE REBELLED AGAINST AND TWISTED HIS WORD!


The fact that this man actually calls himself a Christian is a disgrace to our entire faith.

Also he calls me pot-head and dope-head completely ignoring the fact that I state on my profile that I never have smoked cannabis once.

JAH bless



The following quotes come from correspondence to the "Holy Man".

Hey, "Gospel Reggae Star", I wrote an article about you and your "holy" friend "Rush Limbaugh" and your "holy" advertizements for "Guiness"!

My website is visited well over 1500 times a day, so you will get a lot of attention.

I'm just writing it to you, so that you do not have to leave your ivory tower of "peace and safety" and find it out for yourself.

I wrote a couple of well-read books on Christafari who seems to be your good friend even though they were publicly forced to admit that there are in fact people within the Movement of Rastafari who are born again through the Holy Spirit in Jesus' Name. But that wouldn't worry you, would it...

You are judging Christian brothers and sisters in Rastafari, you are judging those that are outside as well, this all in clear contradiction with the message of the Bible you claim to uphold.

After all, your "holiness" seems to stop where you political views start.

Anyway, as the good Lord said, we have to expose false Christians and you are one of them.

How dare you call yourself "holy". How dary you deny to be peoples friend when they have not found Jesus Christ. How dare you.

Shame and fire on you for using the Name of the Most High in vain.

Shame and fire on you for worshipping men (Rush Limbaugh, Christafari Columbus) and judging the Lord's people.

but then, you wouldn't want to hear this anyway. After all, you have locked yourself in your ivory tower and no one can reach you. Do you really think you can hide from Jah?

You're not holy at all. For it you were, you didn't have to force yourself in the isolation you have put yourself in, in clear disobedience to the commandment of the Lord Who told us how we should behave to the Pagans and other non-believers around us.

But then, that wouldn't bother you. You'
re too buisy feeling yourself holy to realize how you should be gratefull for redemption for you are a sinner just as everyone is. But then, you don't care that you are, for you have made yourself a name.

Shame on you.

Messian Dread

and his response:

RE: You're Famous!
Body: Spell-checked vesion

cc: Christafari
cc: Rush Limbaugh who you hate in such an unchristian way
cc: My anti-libel lawyer (Yeah... I went THERE)

As Dan Akroyd might have said it: "Jane, you ignorant liberal."

Let me tell you where God's Word refutes you.

Judging is NOT a sin it is a duty according TO GODS WORD!* But you liberals abhor Gods word and that is why you dont know it!

John 7:24 and 1 Corinthians 6:1-3, buster! Read it and weep, then retract your false judgement of ME!

Thats the weird thing... you liberals are such hypocrtes that you say judging is a sin and then YOU judge people who judge which is also very arrogant because it makes the statement that what is a sin for everyone else is not a sin for you liberals!!! You therefore are not only willfully ignorant of the word and in sin but also arrogant and hypocritical!

Not that your arrogance would ever allow you to humble yourself so much as to do as the 2nd half of Proverbs 28:13 says to do! I suspect you dont even know that verse without looking it up, but to me it is a staple in the life of any fallible human being serving God! But then you don't believe YOU are fallable, now do you! (Notice the LACK of a question mark)

Finally, If Christafari said they admit that there are saved Rastafarians, I am sorry they were fooled. I will need to help them understand there is no true christian who is a rasta and no true rasta who is a christian BECAUSE AN IDOLATOR WHO SEES HAILE SELASSIE AS GOD CAN NOT BE A CHRISTIAN BECUASE A CHRISTIAN BELIEVES THE TRUE GOD IS THREE PERSONS AND NOT FOUR! NOBODY WHO DENIES THAT HAILE SELASSIE IS GOD IS A TRUE RASTA AND NOBODY WHO SAYS HE IS GOD IS A TRUE CHRISTIAN!

RE: You're Famous!
Body: As Dan Akroyd might have said it: "Jane, you ignorant liberal."

Judging is NOT a sin it is a duty according TO GODS WORD! Nut you liberals abhor Gods word and thatg is why you dont know it!

John 7L24 and 1 Corinthians 6:1-3, buster! Read it and weep, then retract your false judgement of ME!

Thats the weird thing... you liberals are such hypocrtes that you say judghing is a sin and then you judge people who judge which is also very arrogant because it makes the statement that what is a sin for everyone else is not a sin for you liberals!!! You therefore are not only willfully ignorant and in sin but also arrogant and hypocrutical!

Not that your arrogance would ever allow you to humble yourself so much as to do as the 2nd half of Proverbs 28:13 says to do! I suspect you dont even know that verse without looking it up, but to me it is a staple in the life of any fallible hiuman being serving God! But then you don't believe YOU are fallable, now do you! (Notice the LACK of a question mark)

cc: Christafari
cc: Rush Limbaugh who you hate in such an unchristian way
cc: My anti-libel lawyer (Yeah... I went THERE)

If Christafari said they admit that there are saved Rastafarians, I am sorry they were fooled. I will need to help them understand there is no true christian who is a rasta and no true rasta who is a christian BECAUSE AN IDOLATOR WHO SEES HAILE SELASSIE AS GOD CAN NOT BE A CHRISTIAN BECUASE A CHRISTIAN BELIEVES THE TRUE GOD IS THREE PERSONS AND NOT FOUR! NOBODY WHO DENIES THAT HAILE SELASSIE IS GOD IS A TRUE RASTA AND NOBODY WHO SAYS HE IS GOD IS A TRUE CHRISTIAN!

One last thing Mr Hypocrite
Body: How godly was it for you to retaliate against my rejection of you rastas by taking your own revenge against me by your own hands on your not-all-that famous website?

So even if I were wrong, you ignored how God says "VENGENCE IS MINE. I WILL REPAY!" so that is yet one more way that you disrespect God by usurping His right of vengence for your own self.

Dont even try to defend yourself on that one. You are guilty of it and you know it. Vengence was your only real motive for libeling me and any other motive you throw up is just a bogus excuse to falsely justify your selfish act of vengence.

By the way, I suppose you did not know who I am anyway. I am Teruabbat Sahle Maryam Minilik, the Rasnebiyu of Bete Yahuda Masihawi, one of teh 2 head clergy of THE oldest black church in history of the Earth. In case you do not speak Ge'ez, that means Church of the Judean Messianic Aksumites founded by Apostle Philip in 54AD in Acts 8:26-39 when our first bishop Jen Deraba was baptized and ordained to convert the entire Jewish Aksumite empire to Messianic Jews which task he began on his return to Aksum in 56AD starting with HIM Empress Kandeke Garsemot VI herself and by tim she died later that year she had made Bete Yahuda Masihawi the official state religion as 90% of the Jews of the Empire of Aksum (later called Abyssinia) had believed on Yah'shua as theri Mashiakh! Ever since Minilik I came home to Aksum with the Ark we have had a RasKahen and a RasNebiyu as the head clery of our faith, the original first century church of what you now call Ethiopia,(275 years older than the Orthodox church), and I am the present rasnebiyu ordained and anointed by the last rasnebiyu Yohanes Anteneh Maryam my Grandfather who ded in 1973 and THAT you are libeling and slandering, boy, one of the head clergy of the oldest African church on the entire Earth. This artist website is my musical outreach to my own congregants in America, NOT to pagans, not to foreigners, to our own people in the doaspora of "Bete Israel" as you call us!

So now you know who you are disrespecting... a gebre kristo who God has called to be the current Head Prophet of all Abyssinian Jews!

and my (Messian Dread's) response which he didn't get cause he killfiled me.

Yes, that's right. We are to judge. But we are to judge a righteous judgement. And what you are doing is not judging a righteous judgement.

You deny certain people their faith. You claim to live in Ethiopia. I don't believe that, but sois. So, when will go to Shashamane land?

I have here a video for you. This is a Rasta from Shashamane, saying how he got born again hrough Jesus Christ and how he does not believe the Ethiopian Emperor to be what his names mean.< br>
There is a brother in Christ who YOU are denying his faith. there is a borther of Christ who YOU put FALSE judgement on.

And all you do is CC-ing your babylonian friends, for you cannot read in the Bible how Paulus says not to put your brothers for a lawyer. Not that I'm afraid for that. For all I do is writing to you and about you, in a respinse to what you say publicly.

I did CC too. To the entire Internet! So everyone can see whatr I wrote, what you wrote, and I must say that quite a few of your Christian brothers and sisters are kind of distrurbed about what you are doing.

You sit there, in your ivory tower, calling everyone unholy and yourself "holy". You sit there, calling "christafari" your friend but they also claim that there is saved Rastafarians. They had to publicly admit this, because they were forced to do this by the publication of a book wherein the unbiblical and unreal nature of the philosophy of christafarianism.

So that's how much you know from what is hapening around you.

Why do you call me a "liberal"? why do you think I have "vengeance" on my mind? If that is the level of accuracy in your so-called clergical prophetness, I'm sorry man, but Jah said clearly that when one claims to be a prophet of Jesus then this one must be judged in what he says and that is what I am doing.

I am doing my Christian duty and that is to expose the false teachers and you are one of them. I don't care if you call yourself a prophet. for you, being a prophet means that you demand "respect". You clearly wrote this. I have news for you: no christian prophet should ever do such a thing, neither the old testament.

I think, though, that you are the one with a vengeance. a vengeance against the Ethiopian emperor who tried to do what Yesus said, namely to see that there is no difference between jew or gentile in the body of Christ. You must know where I refer too, if you really are what you claim you are, which I have a hard time believing by the way but it doesn't matter.

I think, just like Mark Mohr who also has a hate against Rastafari, you are denying Rasta their faith because Rasta respects the Ethiopian Emperor.

And given the fact you do not even know what Christafari was forced to admit , tells me how much you know about what's going on in the world today.

Sure I am fallible. Sure, there is sin in my body but there is no sin in my spirit because I was given a new spirit when I was born again and that spirit is born of JAH and therefore cannot sin. but i have sin in my body. However, that has nothing to do with the spiritual things i write you about. Or should I say, your unspirituality which you display as spirituality.

Why do you call me "liberal"? Is that because I dislike Rush Limbaugh? I'm not in that paradigm. Politiricks. there's more people out there than just "conservative" or "liberals"...

Why do you have a lawyer especially to chase after people who tell you in the Name of Jesus what you are doing is wrong? Is that how you have to respond? Sure that is how you have to respond. There is no other way for you, is there...

How different is this for those within the Body of Christ. how different.

Where you are threatening me with your babylonian friends, because you don't want me to expose your lies about the Divine Saviour and those who have been born again through His fullfilled works, you claim to be a "head profit".

come on....

If you were a prophet I would recognize JAH words in your utterances. But all I see is a self righteous man who claims things about himself and who calls his babylonian friends for help whenever a true Christian adresses his falsities.

A self righteous man with a hatret towards all of those who are not part of his own little group.

You say that I should not have written to you and all of that, if I really were a Christian. so then, what do you think I should have to do? Call babylonian lawyers and tell them to sue you for spreading disinformation and lies about where you live?

No, that's what you do. You say that I "disrespect God by usurping His right of vengence for your own self. " So what are you doing with threatening me with your babylonian friends?

Or is it different for you, because you are the clergy and the head profit?

I have news for you. There is no such thing as clergy. There is no such thing as a "head profit". At least, not in the Body of Christ. When someone claims to be a prophet, guess what? "let the others....JUDGE". And that is exactly what I did.

I did my Christian duty: i warned to body of Christ aganist you just like I warned the body of christ against Christafari Columbus.

I warned you, I know others have warned you too. Some have been humble to you, full of respect, and all you did was cursing them. I wrote to you, all you did is threatening me with your babylonian friends.

who really is the prophet, here? It's not you.

I don't see prophets in the bible run to babylon for help against words spoken to them in the Name of JAH. But I see some other people walk to babylon for help when they are confronted with the truth.

If you were a prophet, you would show the marks of the prophet. But you don't. All you do is create your little isloated place, FOR ALL TO SEE, where you call yourself holy and tell everyone who is not in your strange definition of "christianity" to basically just watch you and never contact you.

Jesus was called an alcoholic and a friend of prostitutes. That won't happen to you, will it. You're too buisy being holy. And i'm sorry, but what you do, you can threaten me all you want, but in truth you are threatening the One Who sent me and you don't want to threaten HIM.





Yesus Kristos


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